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Do u need updates on latest nigerian leaked s3xtapes, Photos And Others Click Here

Chika Ike Shares BathTub Photo To Mark Her 29th Birthday

Nollywood actress Chika Ike recently released her pre-birthday vacation photos. Finally! the birthday is here. In her own style, the super actress, who turned 29 started her big day with this photo of herself soaked in a luxurious foam bath tub and a gratitude letter which you will find very interesting. See Picture below

PHOTO: Is Tonto Dikeh Pregnant For Her Boyfriend, Malivelihood?

Controversial Nollywood actress Tonto Dike alias ‘Poko Lee’ was recently spotted in Ghana where she had kicked off her charity organisation which caters for Abused Women, Unwanted pregnancy as a result of Molestation/Rape etc. and Motherless Children All around the world. The River-State born Diva who has been waking recently with different kind of gift from her mysterious boyfriend she addresses as Mr. X, was caught by the camera lens displaying a seemingly protruded tommy. Her fans have since been asking if the ‘Easy Lion’ Poko Queen has been ‘taken’ or she over-filled her tommy with a delicious meal before stepping out. Sometime ago it was speculated that Tonto, the actress turned singer who is now signed to Dbanj’s Record label was dating luxury designer Michael Awolaja AKA Malivelihood. Although the lowkey couple hasn’t openly declared their relationship status, but its highly believed that he is the Mr. X in Tonto’s life and might be responsible for her pregnancy.

Davido And Wizkid Settles Rift As They Party Together In Lagos

Fast rising Music stars Davido and Wizkid recociled few days ago, but they officially showed everyone all was okay with them again as they partied together at Escape night club last night. Davido was spotted almost kissing Wizkid on stage. It was a very funny moment as they trilled their fans
 See pictures below

2Face Caught Sleeping With Comediane Princess Onboard Arik Air

Popular Comediane Princess was with 2face Idiabia aboard Arik Airline recently, our camera lens caught them sleeping around each other as they sit side by side and enjoy the flight together from Abuja to Lagos. See Picture Below But what were you thinking before ;) Got Ya eeeh :D

Funny Pictures Of Ghanian Actor John Dumelo Dressed As A Woman

Ghanian Actor John Dumelo wore Yvonne Nelson Clothes while Yvonne did the same for John and they started playing daddy and mummy game. it seems the two close friends are really having great fun this Christmas. The actor shared  this on social media today fun moments of themselves on Boxing Day playing dress up.
See pictures below:

How real are T.B Joshua’s miracles?

The Nigerian Prophet, TB Joshua has been shockingly mentioned to be a bonafide member of the Illuminati group and that leads to the secret of his power and miracles. This confession was made in a video by one of the Synagogue prophets.
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TB Joshua Prophecy: "A Top Nigerian Shot To Be Killed, Unnamed President Kidnapped While Obama Hospitalized"

On 31st August, Prophet TB Joshua of the Synagogue Church of All Nations made some shocking prophecies concerning Nigeria, Kenya, President Obama and Poland. Read below:
On the 31st of August 2014,Pastor TB Joshua of the Synagogue Church of all Nations made some prophecies on Nigeria,Obama and Kenya "Pray for the whole world and pray for your country. Concerning Nigeria, last time I was talking that, they should pray for a Nigerian big shot. Because I'm seeing these people beginning to target them.I said it in January, You saw what happened. This is another plan now.... A very big big shot should not be attacked by these people, because it will result to death and that can cause crises in this country. They are looking for avenue to cause conflict amoung the region but I'm seeing in the spirit that they want to attack a very big big shot. They have stopped it for sometime but they are starting the plan again,and when it happens it will cause political crises. Remember the passenger plane in that region (Russia) and the one I am talking about in Nigeria. Pray.... Pray for Southern Africa.They want to get rid of a president in that region which I'm not permitted to mention. A president will be kidnapped. Don't mis-quote me like I said last January,but quote this, I'm seeing militants,interested in embarrassing the president, either they kill him or kidnap him. They are still on in that plan. If prayer is not offered well, they will succeed. God showed me the president but I don't want to put any country into pandemonium. Pray for them. Particularly Kenya as a nation. Pray for them. The nation Poland, there will be crises there. It will start any moment from now . Pray for the president Obama. I'm seeing him being rushed to the hospital but he will get over it. He should be careful of operation. Write it down and mark it. Pray so that when he is rushed to the hospital,they should be careful of the kind of operation they will do. He only needs rest but these scientists like to do everything. There is nothing we can do about it,he will be rushed. "

Unknown Assailants Set Fire On APC Office In Bauchi

Latest reports coming in from Bauchi State, northern Nigeria, inform that unknown attackers on Friday set fire to the campaign office of the gubernatorial candidate of the All Progressive Congress, APC, Mohammed Abubakar. Though those behind the tragic incident are yet to be identified, Abubakar however told newsmen that he believed supporters of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in the state were behind the attack. Also, the Premium Times reports that some residents in the area where the incident happened said the arson may be a retaliation of an earlier attack on President Goodluck Jonathan’s campaign team in the town. It would be recalled that some hoodlums had on Thursday hurled shoes, plastic bottles and other objects at the podium where President Jonathan and his team sat during their visit to Bauchi for campaigns.
Goodluck Jonathan at Bauchi rally
The Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Senator Bala Mohammed, was pelted by some ‘supporters’ at the venue of the Presidential Campaign rally in Bauchi. It was also reported that the youth later vandalised PDP billboards and posters in the capital, and set fire to a police van. However, today’s attack was said to have taken place at about 2a.m..
It was gathered that the assailants vandalized the Bauchi South Senatorial District campaign office of Abubakar, located on Kobi Street, after reportedly arriving in three Hilux pickups. One witness said “We woke up and saw the office on fire and all the relevant things in the office had already been burnt and there was nothing we could do at that time to save the situation. We did not envisage that any reasonable person could do such a thing.” While commenting on the situation, Abubakar described the incident as “unfortunate, barbaric and undemocratic”. He said APC is a peaceful party and that they are determined to win the governorship elections. “We in APC are not violent people and we are guided by the simple principles of issue-based campaign and not violence. Our peaceful conduct is already giving us an edge over our opponents and we can never resort to violence at any point of our campaign,” Abubakar said. Bauchi State Police Public Relations Officer, Haruna Mohammed, incident, told newsmen that he was still compiling his report on the matter. “I am compiling the report and will send details to you as soon as am done,” the PPRO said.

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O yes ilove iy no ghhjkj hh A woman who knows how to pleasure a man (and vice versa) is key in any healthy relationship. We’re not suggesting that his satisfaction is more important than hers — they are equal — but she can get turned on by turning him on, all on her own. Remember that line about finding fulfillment from his happiness? That holds true in the bedroom as well. Trust us, if you let him in on what you’re capable of, he’ll always be wanting seconds. 6. Making him feel like The One At the end of the day, we all want to feel like we’re extra special to the someone whom we regard as extra special. He likes that you can get the attention of other men, but that you don’t need it for personal validation. You like being the only girl in the world for him, and he is even more grateful for that in return. Loving someone who loves you back is the ultimate compliment. It can’t be bought, it can’t be replicated and it lasts forever. 7. Looking nice Girls enjoy dressing up for the men in our lives to take notice. Whether this means wearing our intimate undergarments or just taking the extra time to put in our contacts, we’ll take care of ourselves because we like feeling our best selves around him. Men can’t resist a girl who is put together and looking good, even if that’s an easy t-shirt and loose pants. 8. Intriguing without being unavailable Men like that we women are complex without being impossible to figure out. They enjoy taking the time getting to know you by peeling back all your layers, but they’re frustrated if you’re too overcomplicated. Women who possess a natural mystery are endearing to curious men. Your shining personality teaches him how to sparkle on his own — and the ability to build another person up is one of your most invaluable gifts. EliteDailyMen have pretty simple needs when it comes to relationships, as do women. What they look for in a partner are qualities that every woman naturally possesses or is actively developing. While some people are better fits for each other than others, each person has something special to offer. Here are the 8 qualities that every girl has and that men are really looking for in their relationships 1. Cares unconditionally It doesn’t matter if you’re the ultimate feminist or super independent — there’s something inherently rewarding when you truly care for someone else. Putting someone else’s well-being above your own doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your wants or needs, it means that there is someone in your life who you’re excited about, who you genuinely believe is the most special and deserving of your love. If you really care for your partner, you’ll feel satisfaction from his happiness as well. Women are naturally compassionate, and when a man sees just how far your kindness goes, he’ll appreciate the extent of your selflessness. 2. Understanding without placing expectations Most men aren’t great at sharing their inner feelings, but women are really good at picking up on them regardless. Especially when he makes himself most vulnerable, she’s there to support him and accept him no matter what. Understanding him without placing expectations means that she can appreciate a guys’ night, doesn’t put demands on him to get a more high-paying job and knows that the way he unwinds is by watching hours of sports. She gets him, she’s grateful for this person he is and she finds fulfillment in knowing every inch of him. 3. Letting him be the gentleman, but stepping up when it’s her turn Girls like it when the guy plays into the gentlemanly role, but they won’t hold back from assuming less-traditional gender responsibilities as well. She wants him to be the man, protect her and possess physical strength — and it’s important for him to fill this need too. She also knows, though, when it’s her time to pitch in, like carrying her own bags through the airport or planning a romantic evening. We’re able to take a backseat when he wants to show-off his manliness, but we’re also ready and willing to relieve him of his duties at any moment. 4. Having her own opinions on things Nothing is more attractive than a girl who knows her stance on a topic and is able to eloquently articulate it. If she can teach him something new, life together will be a lot more interesting. A real man appreciates a woman who has her own mind and is confident in her beliefs. It can be as simple as knowing useless facts about the cytoskeletons of bugs or as complicated as debating stricter gun-control, either way, she has something to say and it won’t be boring. The most beautiful part of a woman is what’s inside her head and how she uses it.