Losing weight is never too easy. Yet there are some simple steps that will always help you make the process less frustrating and tiresome.
The advice given below will help you lose fat in a healthy and very efficient way. Follow these simple steps and enjoy your new body.
1.Use lemon juice
Lemon juice can be used in a variety of ways: smoothies for breakfast or salads for lunch. You can make your own lemon water – just squeeze some lemon juice into plain water and have a bottle of this drink in your handbag. Some might like the taste of lemon in their tea. Lemon juice can be added to meat and fish dishes. Not only will it improve the taste of you food, it will also provide you with vitamin C and antioxidants. Lemons purify blood and improve digestion, that’s why those who start eating lemons or using lemon juice admit that their weight loss is more noticeable. Even if you are no longer on a diet you should include lemon juice in your menu, because lemons are rich in citric acid which detoxifies our whole body.
2.Start reading the labels
We tend to ignore the information on the packages. Most labels are informative and let you know what it is exactly you are paying your money for. Wasting your dough on something that is unhealthy and can ruin your diet wouldn’t be a smart decision. Be wise and start reading labels on foods that you purchase. Pay attention to the amount of serving sizes the package includes. This is the easiest way to find out how many calories, fat, protein, or carbs you consume. Low-calorie foods are those that contain no more than 40 calories per 100 grams. Moderately calorific foods have 100 calories and more per 100 grams. The richest foods provide 350 and even more calories per 100 grams. The last group is the one to be avoided by people who want to lose weight.
3.Stay active and move
Stop making lame excuses. Get out of your home even when the weather outside is not so good. Take a walk around the block to burn extra calories. Lucky are those who have a dog. They inevitably have to leave their sofas to walk their pets. If you have no dog, still there are a lot of things to do around the home. Wash something, tidy up your rooms, clean your computer, windows, or desk and so on. Have an entertaining day and go to town to attend a museum, gallery, or exhibition. Finally, become a member of a gym and attend it as often as possible.
4.Weight trainingWeight training is highly recommended for women. No chance you will ever gain huge muscles, unless you start taking pharmaceuticals. Otherwise, weight training can only make you look toned up, slim, and even more feminine. Keep in mind that after a weight training session your body keeps burning fat for a longer time than it does after aerobics. This is what we all wish for – burn fat 24/7!
Whey protein is gaining its popularity. More and more people find out how useful it can be. But we would like you to know that there is another product that is highly effective if you know that it’s time you got rid of those annoying sugar cravings. First, you should realize that foods with high glycemic index make you bigger. And the more sugar the food contains the higher its glycemic index is. Protein, on the contrary, helps you reduce your body fat. Hemp protein is an unprocessed, organic product. It is good for vegans, too. Hemps seeds are very beneficial and they have a lot of nutrients to tone up muscles in a healthy and natural way.
6.Drink teaThere are hundreds of different teas. This drink comes in various flavors and colors. Most of tea varieties contain caffeine and are highly stimulating. Yet you can always pick a decaffeinated version or opt for herb tea. Drink tea more often, especially green or white tea. This will provide your body with liquids that will speed up your metabolism and cleanse your system.
7.Stop eating diet foods
Be honest and admit that you sometimes buy the so-called ‘diet’ ice creams, protein bars, and diet cereals. The real fact is that they are totally useless and will never help you lose weight. Avoid artificial sweeteners, processed breads and extra carbs even if they come from ‘diet’ versions of your favorite snacks. What your body needs is fresh and organic products. The right foods can improve your mood, give your more energy, beat the annoying cravings and help you get rid of excess weight. Always check labels and see what is written on them. If the content of natural ingredients makes up 90%, you can be sure that you are not wasting your money.
8.Avoid nut butter
Nut butter is one of the most calorific foods out there. Think well before you consume it – 2 spoons add 200 calories to your daily intake. Do you feel full after eating 2 spoons? Hardly. Another half an hour and you need something else to eat. Try and eat seeds instead of nut butter. Chia seeds or flax seeds are a better option. Again, as we have mentioned above, hemp seeds are also great. You can consume various seeds every day if your portion does not exceed 3 tbsp. per day.
9.The intervalsMake your training sessions shorter but more frequent. Working out half an hour a day every other day is far more effective than having a long two-hour weekend training. Include various exercises in order not to get bored with the routine too soon. Practice running, biking, skipping rope or whatever activity you like most. Stay dedicated and keep winding up your organism by working out so that it could keep burning fat throughout the entire week. The most intensive weight loss happens after, not during your training sessions.
- See more at: http://www.view.com.ng/the-healthiest-and-most-efficient-ways-to-lose-pounds/#sthash.wvpnOR50.dpuf