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NEW DELHI: While Pakistan is facing international pressure to close down ISI-sponsored terror sanctuaries, its state actors are looking at other options to keep the Kashmir pot boiling. It is no more a secret that Pakistan is responsible for sponsoring terrorism for its anti-India operation. The US too had warned Pakistan that it must end assistance to terrorists in Jammu & Kashmir to avoid being declared a terrorist state.
However, the latest ‘Green Book’, a top secret publication for Pakistan’s operational commanders, not only reflects the international pressure but also exposes its nefarious plan of harbouring anti-India elements by using separatists as a front. “It has become necessary to shift emphasis gradually from armed struggle for liberation of Kashmir to pursuit of the same objective by Kashmiri political struggle,” it said, hinting at strengthening ties with the separatists.
Recently, former R&AW chief AS Dulat in his book had claimed that an ISI agent in London was wiring huge sums to hardliner separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani through Hawala transactions and that from December 2001 to June 2002, at least, 20 transfers were detected by the Intelligence Bureau (IB). India had on several occasions in the past warned Pakistan to stop supporting separatists but Pakistan has been adamant on meeting separatists before any dialogue with India.
Interestingly, Pakistan, where the army calls the shots, is also feeling battered due to its growing criticism internationally for supporting terror activities in Jammu & Kashmir. Pakistan army’s Green Book has called for overhauling its policy towards Kashmir. It said: “Our foreign policy resources have been directed at projecting Pakistan’s stand on Kashmir dispute, but with every passing day, we have lost international support on this issue.” The chapter authored by a serving Lt. Colonel also reflects the Pakistan army’s general headquarters’ wish that civilian institutions like foreign affairs, defence and interior affairs need to be fully integrated in the system, where the army plays an important role.
The Green Book is also critical of Pakistan’s foreign policy saying it has been mishandled by political leaderships. “Pakistan has remained a victim of perpetual political disorder, which weakened political decision-making in the country. Hence institutionalised foreign policy decision-making has suffered badly. Surprisingly, it has also shifted the blame for defeat in wars with India to its political leadership saying there has been a miscalculation.
“Continuing mistrust, miscalculations and misapprehensions resulted in four wars between India and Pakistan in 1948, 65, 71 and 99. In post-war analysis, Pakistan military blamed the foreign office for not forewarning them in 1965. The main reason for Pakistan’s defeat and disintegration in 1971 was political discrimination and alienation of Bengali population. Kargil crisis was also an outcome of political miscalculation at national level,” it said.