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Do u need updates on latest nigerian leaked s3xtapes, Photos And Others Click Here

24 hours after Boko Haram men captured Chibok town in Borno state, soldiers from the7th Division of the Nigerian army yesterday reclaimed the community after a long gun battle that started yesterday morning. An indigene of Chibok who spoke with Leadership, said a large deployment of soldiers were seen moving in from the direction of Damboa on Saturday morning and engaged the sect members in a gun battle, eventually overpowering them. “We saw large number of trucks filled with uniformed personnel moving towards Chibok; initially, we were scared but later realised they were soldiers as they did not harass us like the Boko Haram gunmen usually do” the source said Confirming the recent development, a top military officer who spoke anonymously said “We have taken back Chibok town from the insurgents after some few hours of engagement with them. We have since sent them parking from the town; it is now safe for people to return to their homes”.
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