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Who says you can't fall in love with your colleague...puh lease, it happened with our beautiful couple of the week - Lape and Paschal! 

My happiest moments are with you
Take this dance with me!

Our Love story as told by Lape
Pascal and I work together so I guess you could call ours an office romance.  The relationship was a bit of a surprise. At least, it was to me because we had worked together for years when something changed and it became clear that Paschal fancied me. It fel a bit odd at first, how do you go about being colleagues to being more than friends?

Nothing prepares you for a situation like this so I had to take each stage of the relationship as it came hoping that each step I took as the right one. I am no going to lie, there was no big proposal moment, Paschal just kept saying Í want to marry you, I want to marry you'ventually I got tired of him repeating himself and said ýes'.
Lape + Paschal Engagement Session | Lagos Wedding PhotographerLape + Paschal Engagement Session | Lagos Wedding Photographer
I think everyone was shocked when we said we were getting married, but over time, they realized it was exactly the sort of thing to expect frm us. Gradually, they came to love our story and be happy for us. Like Shakespeare said, the course of true love never did run smooth, but i am glad we got here in the end.
 Nigerian Pre-Wedding Photos By SpicyInc StudioNigerian Pre-Wedding Photos By SpicyInc Studio
Our love story as told by Paschal.
Lape and I met more than 7 years ago when she joined the creative unit of the agency where I work. Within months I found that she was a ready source of solutions whenever I was bereft of ideas or wasn't quite sure about the meaning of a word, or any one of the numerous problems we creatives face in the course of our world.
Lape + Paschal Engagement Session | Lagos Wedding PhotographerLape + Paschal Engagement Session | Lagos Wedding PhotographerLape + Paschal Engagement Session | Lagos Wedding Photographer
So I guess it was only natural that I also turned to her when my mariage ended and I needed a true friend, someone I could talk to, someone who really knew me and would tell it as it is, someone who wouldn't judge and i am glad that I did.

 Lape has been a very strong shoulder and a firm hard for those moments (and there have been many of them) when I felt like I couldn't carry on. She has been my friend, my companion, my confidant, my muse, my partner in thrilling, local as wella s continent-crossing adventures and now i am happy she is my wifey!

Now we leave you to enjoy their wedding photos courtesy of top wedding photograper, Spicy Tee.
Lape + Paschal Traditional Wedding | Nigerian Wedding Photographer
Lape stopped abruptly by her late Dad's icture, her tears almost ruined her make up

Nigerian Wedding Photographer | Lape + Paschal Traditional WeddingNigerian Wedding Photographer | Lape + Paschal Traditional Wedding Nigerian Wedding Photographer | Lape + Paschal Traditional WeddingNigerian Wedding Photographer | Lape + Paschal Traditional WeddingNigerian Wedding Photographer | Lape + Paschal Traditional WeddingNigerian Wedding Photographer | Lape + Paschal Traditional Wedding
Nigerian Wedding Photographer | Lape + Paschal Traditional WeddingNigerian Wedding Photographer | Lape + Paschal Traditional WeddingNigerian Wedding Photographer | Lape + Paschal Traditional Wedding
KFB wishes Lape and Paschal all the love they have shown they deserve, wonderful marriage and a lifetime of bliss. We can only hope for more spectacular weddings and love stories in the coming weeks....you can always reach us on kemisolafilani@yahoo.com to have your weddings/love story featured too. Remember that you are one of the wonderful things God has made – wonderful inside and out. You’re blessed. You’re special. You’re loved...xoxo.

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