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Jack Dorsey has been named Twitter's chief executive - for the second timeImage copyrightGetty Images
Image captionJack Dorsey has been named Twitter's chief executive - for the second time
Jack Dorsey has been voted in as the permanent chief executive of Twitter by the firm's board.
According to a company filing, Dorsey will also stay on as CEO of his own company Square, Inc. One of Twitter's directors, Peter Currie, also tweeted that the board's decision to appoint Dorsey was unanimous.
Here, then, are 11 facts about Dorsey - in 140 characters or fewer.
First tweet
Click here to read the first tweet.
Second tweet
Third tweet
Twitter has over 300 million active usersImage copyrightPA
Image captionTwitter has over 300 million active users
Fourth tweet
Image captionSource: Hatching Twitter by Nick Bilton
Fifth tweet
Sixth tweet
Seventh tweet
Dorsey, aged 38, is a billionaire and now chief executive of two companiesImage copyrightGetty Images
Image captionDorsey, aged 38, is a billionaire and now chief executive of two companies
Eigth tweet
Ninth tweet
Tenth tweet
Eleventh tweet
Dorsey has been tweeting about the appointment himself. Click here to read his own thoughts about becoming CEO of Twitter for the second time.
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