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A woman carries her dog, wearing a Catalan flag, as she casts her ballotImage copyrightReuters
Image captionTurnout is reported to be at least seven percentage points higher than in regional elections in 2012
Catalonia is voting in regional elections that nationalist parties hope will set them on the road to independence from Spain.
Two separatist parties have joined forces, and are aiming to secure a majority of seats in parliament - 68 out of 135.
They say this would allow them to unilaterally declare independence within 18 months.
The central government in Madrid has pledged to block such moves in court.
Polls suggest a majority of Catalans favour a referendum on independence but are evenly divided over whether they want to secede.
The El Pais newspaper reported that turnout had reached 63.1% as of 18:00 local time (16:00 GMT).


Polling stations in the wealthy north-eastern province opened at 07:00 GMT and will close at 18:00 GMT.
Media captionWhy these are not your average regional elections
More than five million people are eligible to cast their votes.
The ruling Convergencia party of Catalan leader Artur Mas and Esquerra Republicana have created a single list of candidates - under the banner "Together for Yes".
They say that Sunday's vote is a de facto referendum on independence from Spain.
They argue that the Spanish government has consistently refused to allow a legally recognised referendum, ignoring an unofficial vote backing independence in November 2014.
The anti-independence vote in Catalonia is split between a number of groups, including Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's Popular Party.
The centre-right government in Madrid has described any breakaway plans as "a nonsense".
Mr Rajoy argues that because the loss of Catalonia would affect all of Spain, the democratic approach would be for all of the country to vote in a referendum on Catalonia's future.
At the same time, if "Together for Yes" fails to gain a majority it would be tantamount to a serious defeat for the pro-independence movement.
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