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Sarah Palin blasted President Obama for living in a fantasy world on the controversial Iran deal, while saying a President Donald Trump could bring Republicans and Democrats together.
'Only in an Orwellian Obama world full of sprinkly fairy dust blown from atop a unicorn as he's peeking through a really pretty pink kaleidoscope would he ever see victory or safety of America or Israel in this treaty,' Palin told a crowd gathered Wednesday in protest of the Iran deal on Capitol Hill.
She said she thought Trump, on the other hand, is a unifier who could cobble together 60 votes in the Senate, the number needed to kill a bad deal.
'Donald Trump, he's the master of the deal, he can get things done,' she told reporters before she spoke. 'And that's part of the beauty of his campaign.'
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Sarah Palin slammed Obama for living in a fantasy world filled with unicorns, kaleidoscopes and fairy dust
Sarah Palin slammed Obama for living in a fantasy world filled with unicorns, kaleidoscopes and fairy dust
'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson paid his first trip to DC to speak alongside Sarah Palin, who ripped President Obama and Hillary Clinton for their support of the Iran deal 
'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson paid his first trip to DC to speak alongside Sarah Palin, who ripped President Obama and Hillary Clinton for their support of the Iran deal 

Palin bashes Iran deal while protester tries to interrupt

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Trump would be successful, according to the Republican Party's 2008 vice presidential nominee, 'because he's not especially partisan, which is very healthy and valuable in today's politics.'
'He's all about bringing people together,' she said. 
Trump joined Palin at the rally along with Sen. Ted Cruz, another presidential contender, Glenn Beck, formerly of Fox News, and 'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson.
Robertson, making his first trip to the nation's capital, announced that he was 'anti-establishment' before the rest of them.
It was, however, a day for the anti-establishment wing of the GOP.
There was Trump, who has been hitting establishment GOP candidates hard on the campaign trial. He gave a brief speech before walking to Senate office buildings to brief lawmakers on his immigration plan, but amassed the loudest and most energetic crowd.
'We are led by very, very stupid people! Stupid people! We can not let it continue,' the GOP front-runner said in classic Trump fashion. 
Donald Trump made a splash on Capitol Hill Wednesday when the GOP frontrunner showed up and called America's leaders 'very, very stupid people' 
Donald Trump made a splash on Capitol Hill Wednesday when the GOP frontrunner showed up and called America's leaders 'very, very stupid people' 
Cruz, who has often gone against his own party in the Senate, did so again.
'We keep winning elections – conservatives keep winning elections – and nothing changes, and we're fed up with the Washington cartel,' Cruz told reporters.
'We are fed up with empty show votes, whether it's a show vote on Iran, a show vote on Planned Parenthood, a show vote on amnesty, a show vote on Obamacare,' he continued. 
'No more show votes. There are Republicans majorities in both houses of Congress. We need to actually honor the commitments we've made.'
During Palin's turn on stage, she gave some of her trademark lines new meaning and earned wild applause.
'You don't lift sanctions. You crack down on their assets, you cut off their oil, and "drill, baby, drill" for our own,' she shouted, arguing that a more robust American energy sector would dilute Iran's oil power in world markets.
She also thumbed her nose at President Obama's announcement that he had changed Mt. McKinley's name back to Denali, one official act the president took during his tour last week of Alaska.
Immigration protesters heckle Trump at Stop Iran rally in DC

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While competing against each other in the presidential race, Donald Trump (left) and Ted Cruz (right) were on the same side when it came to ridiculing the nuke deal with Iran 
While competing against each other in the presidential race, Donald Trump (left) and Ted Cruz (right) were on the same side when it came to ridiculing the nuke deal with Iran 
The former GOP vice presidential candidate was a crowd favorite at an anti-Iran deal rally on Capitol Hill where she even used her trademark line 'Drill, Baby, Drill' to great fanfare 
The former GOP vice presidential candidate was a crowd favorite at an anti-Iran deal rally on Capitol Hill where she even used her trademark line 'Drill, Baby, Drill' to great fanfare 
Palin used the jab to talk about the Iran deal.  
'It's a mistake so enormous on such a grand crony capitalism scale that I can only compare its enormity to Alaska's Mt. McKinley,'said Palin, the sate's former governor.
Three more Senate Democrats said they favored the deal on Tuesday, meaning Democrats could potentially filibuster any attempts made by Senate Republicans to officially disapprove of it.
But Palin said the fight still isn't over.  
'If it were a done deal today, I wouldn't be here today,' Palin said. 'I wouldn't have flown all the way from Alaska and left my kids for this.' 
Hillary Clinton criticized Republicans earlier on Wednesday for their stance against the Iran deal. 'That's not leadership, that's recklessness,' the former secretary of state said in a speech at a Washington, D.C. think tank. 
'It would set us right down the very dangerous path we've worked so hard to avoid.'
Hillary blast Republicans over threats to tear up Iran deal

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On the other side of town, Hillary Clinton spoke at the Brookings Institution and called the Republican threats against the Iran deal 'reckless' 
On the other side of town, Hillary Clinton spoke at the Brookings Institution and called the Republican threats against the Iran deal 'reckless' 

'Good ol' Hillary, wrong again,' Palin told DailyMail.com before she spoke, hours later. 'Look at how she's contradicting herself even on an issue like this.'
Palin recalled that Clinton's closest foreign policy aide, Jake Sullivan, went to Iran in 2012 and met in secret with Iranian diplomats. Those discussions led her State Department to accept the premise that Tehran would retain the ability to produce nuclear fuel in any deal with the West, according to The Wall Street Journal.
'And now she's saying she supports the deal. However, she can acknowledge there's going to be no change in behavior,' Palin said. 'So she's very, very close to the deal, [but] she's wishy-washy on its effectiveness.'
Palin also defended herself against criticism she received after appearing on Jake Tapper's 'State of the Union' and saying Americans should 'speak American.'
That, Palin said, was 'not allowing the entire fact to be expressed via translation.' 
'Did I say, "When you're in America, speak American?" No,' she said.
'I said, 'When you're in America, speak American – speak English",' Palin insisted. 'That's what I said and you know it.'

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